Sunday, October 16, 2011

Chinese chicken with vegetables with whipping cream

Chinese chicken with vegetables with whipping cream
 Chinese chicken with vegetables with whipping cream

Cut vegetables
Zucchini + eggplant Mkaroh + potatoes + carrots
Possible Tstkhaddma 3 pills of every kind and Tqtaaha slices in the oil and Tkulaiha

We take the love and unity of chicken after Ngzlea Nslgaha

With Maggie and salt
Then take it out and after that cooled Nevkkha and put the bone

We take the pot and put the onions, garlic, green pepper and spices cool
And then, tomatoes and sauce, and manipulated by that Tzbk
We made to put the chicken on a small Akoshnh then put it
Nhrkhm fried vegetables with some of the cover
Them and leave a little to hold together the

After consolidating its installation in the Chinese

Keep a decent whipping in a pot and put it a little salt and two tablespoons of starch and cheese Mazrula almost as much as 4 tablespoons

And leave it on the fire to the boil and hold together

Monument whipping cream to the vegetables in China.

If you have a decent whipping McCann possible Tstbdlleha shaded area, mayonnaise and cheese
Avatar whipping cream with the formation of the tastiest and Nzinha parsley and grated cheese

And go into the furnace from above and below that are brown and the second tray Ssuytha

And leave to cool that we achieve Shwe and Ashan Mataatvkk on the length and whether it is warm

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