Friday, October 14, 2011

Stuffed cabbage in the Chinese Cupcake

Stuffed cabbage in the Chinese Cupcake

Stuffed cabbage in the Chinese Cupcake

Thtin full head of cabbage in boiling water and the water will be covered

And you're before the cabbage Hilh rule "under the Old meets the Old Securities"
Becomes as small circle on the inside of hollow

After about five minutes claimed the cabbage leaves begin to fall apart headlights,
Forward-thinking as well as the salvation of the water


Onions and tomatoes - a quarter kilo minced meat - the one and a half cup rice (soaked) - coriander - Spices

Thmsa onions Tahta him everything that reminded them tomatoes cut in small cubes
And Thrkinhm Anarschew reduce Matnschw Alamueh which there ..

Go back to the cabbage,
Tvkkin papers and look at the Chinese Thtinhm Cupcake and can afford the harsh Tqtaan in a paper cabbage

If Khalstém all, use chicken broth
Melt cube Bouillon or two cups of boiling water on and lemon to taste, olive oil

Agmra Palmrgah cabbage in each department in this way

Then Dkhalaha Cover with tin and the oven for one hour
If the stock is absorbed in the oven can afford a second time Tzudenha

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