Saturday, October 8, 2011

Honey custard

Honey custard

 Honey custard

2 cups liquid creamSugar 3 large hanging6 egg yolks1 / 4 cup honeyPending a small vanillaA pinch of salt
(For submission)1 / 2 cup sugar1 / 4 cup crushed nuts
(For garnish)Grains of cherryKernels of nuts
1. Heat the oven to a temperature of 180 meters. Thbta shelf networking East.2. Bring 4 individual oven dishes.3. In as much as a thick base amount of modes and a half cup of cream, put the pot on medium heat until it begins to boil cream.4. In the meantime, the rest of the Put-precious stones, sugar, egg yolks, honey and vanilla, using hand clasped my paddle to mix materials and completely homogenous.5. Add the hot cream to egg mixture with continued stirring for homogeneous components.6. Return the custard mixture to the pot and Repeat the pot on the fire, flipping Continue to boil the mixture into the well and in harmony.7. Pour custard mixture in the oven dishes.8. Place the custard dishes in a Chinese high edge. Pour the amount of water to reach to the middle of the edge of the dishes.9. Place custard cups in the oven for 30 minutes.10. Called custard cool completely then put in the refrigerator for several hours or to cool completely.11. Zinni custard forms of sugar, caramel, crushed nuts, cherries and nuts is correct.12. To apply: In as much as a thick base Put sugar, put the pot on medium heat and my heart with a spoon until the sugar and golden caramel color.13. On a piece of silicon pour sugar in the form of decorative yarns and leave to cool completely before decorating.

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