Thursday, October 13, 2011

The functioning of Okra

The functioning of Okra 

The functioning of OkraIngredients:

1. Quarter of a kilo okra

2. Half a kilo of meat without bone Oudjaj "Just feed the flesh"

3. Three cloves garlic, Sanitation and two soft Medkoukan

4. Casten tamarind juice from the center "red" or two tablespoons pomegranate molasses

5. Medkogah soft pack coriander

6. Salt to taste

7. Love green peppers hot "as desired"

8. Oil for frying 00

9. The amount of two tablespoons of tomato paste to three


Boil the meat or chicken in the usual way

The weft Matstoa Okra repressive means veneer imposed following the removal Hleyha head painted by means of repression right acronym Try Chile's crust costume painting Ashan shape becomes urethrae and Matakrj gunk inside saree

Do not try Chile's crust never a straight line

Wash the okra and dimensions of water Drain Kues

Fry very hot oil for a minute to two minutes or even reddish

Fry garlic, chilli with the correct century after Matqtaah نصفين a little oil to brown the garlic a bit first Mibda mean changes color mu Thrkoh

Then Ahtah over the meat and add to Astewa red or molasses, salt and okra and tomato paste and a cell to Matstoa Okra

Okra is equated salvation of two minutes before the gas Mattafa Add coriander and garlic soft Almedkoukan

And served with white rice


Green pepper to flavor the broth just means Mapetkon Spicy

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