Thursday, October 6, 2011

Spinach nests and eggs

Amounts of broth
Half a kilogram of ground beef meatballs One chopped onion Cup of bread crumbs Cup of grated cheese variety (mozzarella, Kashkaval, Gharwiar) 2 to 3 tablespoons melted butter Eggs Half a kilo of spinach, boiled and fried with chopped onion A pinch of salt Small quarter teaspoon of black pepper Small quarter teaspoon of red pepper Half a teaspoon of seven spices Free eggs (depending on the number of nests) or plain white
To prepare the broth
Beef meatballs mixed with chopped onion, and bread crumbs, and dizygotic, salt, black pepper, and seven spices and red pepper. Pinch of this mixture into large balls and turning every ball into a cup or nest. Brush with melted butter nests and then describe in Chinese painted with oil and bake in the oven for 10 to 15 minutes until meat changes color and partially cooked.
Nests out the meat from the oven and stuffed by each tablespoon of grated cheese and tablespoons of the spinach. Nests will be returned to the oven for 5 to 7 minutes until cheese melts and meat is cooked.
Heated non-stick pan and brush with a little oil or butter. Fry the eggs falsehoods each egg separately by the number of nests meat, and kept lukewarm until the time of application.
Free eggs are placed one on top of each nest of nests by the meat and sprinkle a little salt and black pepper. This dish is delicious with rice.

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